WE ARE QUALIFIED OFFICIALS - We collect the well-deserved diploma


In the last months our department of administration of communities carried out and approved the course of Official Qualified Administrator of Fincas.

We have the honor and pride to inform that our team of administration of estates and communities, Xavier Gabasa and Oriol Displàs, during the months of October and November carried out the optional course to be Qualified Official Administrator, for which they were examined at the end of the year; passing with a very good grade. Finally, last Thursday, February 2, they finally attended the delivery of their credentials and diplomas, which they can now proudly display in their offices.


This title will allow a more agile management of the administration department, since at any time both responsible of the department will be able to represent formally and legally the administrator, in this case, Elena Riart, before any meeting or encounter with the different communities that we administer. Although having this title of Qualified Official is optional, it is a recognition both on a personal and professional level and at the same time it is aligned with our commitment to quality and is another step in the improvement and continuous training of our company, and that is why we hope that all our customers are informed and value our professionalism and formality.


Thank you very much to both of you for your effort and dedication and congratulations for the milestone achieved, Xavier and Oriol deserve it!
