Ceigrup Real State's group consolidates its growth

Ceigrup Real State's group consolidates its growth

Ceigrup Immobiliàries, which brings together thirteen professionals with more than twenty offices in the Girona region, grew in 2020 in turnover, with a sum of 78.34 million euros.

Ceigrup Immobiliàries, which brings together thirteen professionals with more than twenty offices in the Girona region, grew in 2020 in turnover, with a sum of 78.34 million euros in the province, up 0.6% compared to 2019. Although the number of purchase and sale operations fell by 8% due to the pandemic, with a total of 491 operations, the average price of the purchase of homes increased by nearly 10% due to the demand for more square metres of the homes purchased or the typology of the acquisitions. The group's spokesperson, Esther Torrent, pointed out that with the pandemic, a demand for larger homes with open spaces was detected.

A few months ago, Ceigrup made the leap to the Barcelona area, with the incorporation of Amat Immobiliaris, with offices in Barcelona, Sant Just Desvern and Sant Cugat. On 18 May, Ceigrup held a meeting of directors with the aim of defining the new strategic lines to be followed in the coming years. According to the group's managers, the aim is to be well positioned, "above all in the technological field". Thus, Esther Torrent points out that new technologies have been very important in tackling the crisis.

In 2020, Ceigrup's offices in the area of Girona signed 964 rental contracts, 22.2% more than in 2019. On the other hand, they have 874 flats and dwellings for tourist use under management, 15% less.

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